
Note: Future schedule is subject to minor change.


  • Assignment 1: Representing and classifying text hw1.tgz hw1.pdf (Due on Sep 29)

  • Assignment 2: Predicting sequences hw2.tgz hw2.pdf (Due on Oct 13)

  • Assignment 3: Hidden Markov models and EM hw3.tgz hw3.pdf (Due on Nov 8)

  • Assignment 4: Constituent parsing hw4.tgz hw4.pdf (Due on Nov 24)


Representation of text

  • Week 2 (Sep 15). Text classification: bag-of-words, naive Bayes models, logistic regression

  • Week 3 (Sep 22). Distributed representation: vector space models, Brown clusters, neural word embeddings

Predicting sequences

Predicting trees

Deep learning for NLP

Beyond text
